What are the benefits for officials, educators and students in sharing learning data publicly?

There are many benefits at every level of the education system. Being a part of the SDG 4.1.1 reporting process affords countries an unprecedented opportunity to examine local education systems in a regional and global context. This provides officials and educators with an accurate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses within their systems. 

Publicly available SDG 4.1.1 learning data also provides a rich trove of comparable assessment data from other countries that can provide insights into how to strengthen any aspect of an educational ecosystem. The lessons learned can be used not to “fix” or “overhaul” systems, but to help officials and educators be more effective in their efforts along any point in the education continuum, from policy-making to classroom interventions and everything in between.

Students are the primary beneficiaries of the learning assessment data. The data offers a broader context for the valuable learnings about their individual and collective learning performance and outcomes in the education system. The data on SDG 4.1.1 offers not only the national averages, but also disaggregated data by various social economic backgrounds. Such disaggregated statistics help to identify students by various social characteristics who are falling behind in the learning in order to develop appropriate targeted student learning support programs to improve the quality of learning.