If a country uses national assessments as the primary measurement of student achievement, there are a variety of methodologies that can be used to map that data to indicator 4.1.1. The methodologies include:
Statistical linking:
These are methods that can help countries map existing assessment data to regional and international assessment data so that it can be used to report to the 4.1.1 indicator.
Examples include:
- Rosetta Stone Study: The Rosetta Stone is a pilot program designed to establish a relationship between existing national and regional assessment data and international assessment scores so that the existing data is relevant to the indicator 4.1.1.More about Rosetta Stone
- AMPL: AMPL has 3 modules (AMPL-a, -b, -c), with each measuring 4.1.1 indicators at the following three levels of education (a: Grade 2/3, b: end of primary, c: end of lower secondary). AMPL modules can be administered as standalone assessments or as sections integrated into existing assessments. AMPL-b modules, designed to measure the proportion of students meeting the Minimum Proficiency Level (MPL) in reading and mathematics at the End of Primary, were administered in 2021 alongside national or regional assessments and aligned to the Global Proficiency Framework.
More about AMPL
NEW! AMPL Brochure located here
Non-statistical linking:
This is a methodology that draws educators, curriculum and subject matter experts together to determine the relationships between existing data and indicator 4.1.1 proficiency levels.
Examples of this method are Policy Linking and Pairwise Comparison.
- Policy Linking: This entails training in-country reading and mathematics experts (mainly teachers) to use an internationally approved judgment method to set the minimum score students must achieve to meet the global definition of MPLs. More about Policy Linking
- Pairwise Comparison: This consists of a group of reading and mathematics experts (mainly teachers) and psychometricians evaluating the difficulty of assessment items but in an independent way. The pairwise comparison method has not been tested. Reporting learning outcomes in basic education: Country’s options for indicator 4.1.1